Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about your travel with us?

Explore the answers to frequently asked questions and find out how we help to ensure you a smooth and comfortable journey with Hebridean Air Services.

Travel Guidelines for Parents With Children

  • We accept passengers up to 36 weeks pregnant, after that we would require a GP's note or email to authorise travel.

  • Postpartum, new mothers may only travel within 7 days of giving birth on completion of a doctor's written statement to say they are fit to do so.

  • Newborns must be 7 days old to be carried and would require a medical letter/form.

  • We allow passengers to carry small children on their lap and supply an approved lap extension belt.  We do carry a passenger cot in the event of small babies on board. 

    Children up to the age of 2 can be carried on their parents lap using an infant seatbelt. Children over 2 years old must occupy a seat.

Travel Guidelines for Passengers with Medical, Mobility and Accessibility Needs

  • Oxygen or air cylinders to aid breathing can be carried with permission from the Operator, as long as the gross weight per cylinder does not exceed 5kg. We must be notified in advance of carriage.

    Walking aids (sticks / crutches) and foldable wheelchairs can be carried in the aircraft hold.

    Click here for more information on flying with medical and mobility equipment.

  • The aircraft does not have any wheelchair access, however we are able to carry foldable wheelchairs in addition to luggage capacity in the event of a wheelchair passenger boarding the aircraft; a maximum of 1 per flight.

    We are able to carry passengers with reduced mobility, and our ground crew will be able to assist wheelchair passengers getting to the aircraft, however, there is no mechanical device to assist passengers onto the aircraft.

    Passengers must be able to board and disembark the aircraft unaided or with the assistance of a companion.

    We regularly carry passengers with reduced mobility on our other PSO routes but advise them to call our offices should they have any doubts as to whether they are able to travel. 

    We also offer the opportunity to visit the aircraft in advance of the day of travel to understand the limitation of this type of aircraft.

    Find more information about our considerations for passengers with reduced mobility here.

  • With the agreement of Highland and Islands Airports Ltd, we will endeavour to park the aircraft as close to the passenger terminal as possible.

    At times the aircraft might be parked further away, however our Ground Staff will be able to provide any assistance if required.

  • Wider, sturdier steps are provided when required.

  • If the demand and schedule allowed for additional flights, these would be considered.

Flight Operations and Safety

  • The size of aircraft means we do have to consider the weight carried.  We use industry standard weight projections to calculate and therefore do not weigh individual passengers. 

    Excess baggage would be removed first in this instance, then the last passenger to check-in, unless there is a volunteer who would receive EU261 flight compensation.

  • Passengers will not be required to have their baggage searched or security screened prior to flight, therefore there is no limit on the amount of liquids carried.

    You are unable to carry any Dangerous Goods in either hand or hold luggage and upon check in, will be asked to confirm you are not carrying any items classed as Dangerous Goods.

    Read more about Dangerous Goods here.

  • In agreement with the Comharirle nan Eilean Siar and Argyll and Bute Council, we will operate in accordance with EU261/04, therefore should the flight be cancelled due to issues under our control (technical or flight operations issues) we would provide accommodation, alternative transport, meal vouchers, and rebooking / refunding the passenger’s ticket.

    If the cancellation is for issues outside our control (weather) we would be unable to provide this assistance.

  • We employ 6 BN2 pilots throughout the company who are able to operate the service, allowing contingency and back up to our regular pilot.

  • All cargo shipments must be booked via the reservation line.

    Bloods for transfusion can be transported however any boxes with a UN number of the label cannot be accepted as these are classed as Dangerous Goods.

    Read more about Dangerous Goods here.

  • Airtask Group has a total fleet of 10 aircraft, however not all of the aircraft operated are suitable for passenger travel.

    We currently have 5 Britten Norman Islander aircraft which we use on our PSO routes in the Shetland Isles, Oban and Stornoway.